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Rock Island Armory AK 47/22 22lr semi automatic wood stock 10 rd magazine
Rock Island Armory AK 47/22 22lr semi automatic wood stock 10 rd magazine

Rock Island Armory AK 47/22 22lr semi automatic wood stock 10 rd magazine

On sale: $499.99 $299.00
Retail Price:$599.99
You Save:$300.99(50%)
Rock Island Armory AK 47/22 22lr semi automatic wood stock 10 rd magazine
Part Number: 3923
Availability: In Stock.
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Rock Island Armory AK 47/22 22lr semi automatic wood stock 10 rd magazine.
New in the box. Includes 1 10 round magazine,  and a sling.
these seem to be  pretty well made. I like the barrel. 18.25" and threaded!
 metal receiver, not a plastic receiver.
18.25"barrel threaded.

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