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1,092 round can 7.62X38R Nagant revolver ammo 1970's-90's Russian military surplus
1,092 round can 7.62X38R Nagant revolver ammo 1970's-90's Russian military surplus

1,092 round can 7.62X38R Nagant revolver ammo 1970's-90's Russian military surplus

On sale: $1,300.00 $500.00
Part Number: 5456-2-2
Availability: In Stock.
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This item consists of 1  unopened can 1,092 rounds of 7.62X38R  Nagant revolver ammo 1970's-90's Russian military surplus.
sold as is. I think this older surplus ammo is significantly more powerful than the modern production ammo. I don't know the precise specs, but I have seen that advertised back when this ammo was readily available, which this surplus ammo is no longer made, or imported that I am aware of. get it while you can.

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