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1,000 rounds .223 remington  55gr VMax  remanufactured ammunition
1,000 rounds .223 remington 55gr VMax remanufactured ammunition

1,000 rounds .223 remington 55gr VMax remanufactured ammunition

On sale: $800.00 $600.00
Part Number: 5019-1000ds
Availability: In Stock.
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1,0000 rounds .223 remington  55 gr  vmax re-manufactured. Shipped bulk.
This ammo was made by great trails reloading, old stock. sold as is, no returns.
 I also have some of this that is NEW made by a different manufacture that I don't think is in business anymore, and some remanufactured as well. The company is/was called Tactical ammunition, and they  made NEW and remanufactured Ammo. They actually sold it to me in bulk, sent me labels and boxes, so I can sell it retail in 50 round boxes if I want too. Theya re the only manufacture that did that for me and they made great ammo! When I run out of the reman, Great trails ammo, I will start selling the other stuff made by Tactical ammunition. IF you want NEW Tactical ammunition, let me know and I will put it on my website. I only have one or two cases of it.  You may wonder how I can tell the difference between NEW and remanufactured ammo by looking at it and I can't unless something is different and  NEW ammo that tactical ammo made was made with Annealed ammunition which is easy to identify it as their New ammo, and not confusing it with them reman ammo

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